Shinya Harley Japan.

Shinya Harley Japan.

Shinya Kimura was born in 1962 in Tokyo, Japan as a son of calligrapher and poet.  From an early age, potential impact from his grandfather who ran a small factory in town, Kimura was fond of tinkering with his own bicycle. Automobiles, bicycles, motorcycles, and insects were his favorites during his teenage days.  After studied insectology at university in Okinawa, Kimura chose to start his career as a motorcycle mechanic in Aichi. Since then, for over 20 years including running Zero Engineering for 14 years, Kimura has been an exceptional and very unique designer, mechanic, and fabricator in Japan.

In 2006, Kimura moved his bases in U.S. and launched a small workshop in Azusa, California, called Chabott engineering.  Kimura’s activities are strictly based on his aesthetic feeling he believes and his passion to express his ideas through his creation of functional motorcycles.  His current theme is “Impulse”